Associate’s Business Degree
As stated before, earning an associate’s degree in business is the quickest way to earn a business degree. Most accredited schools offer associate-level business degree programs, with the most of them lasting anywhere from 15 to 24 months. After graduating from an associate’s program, a student will be prepared to obtain an entry-level job position in the business industry. Career paths commonly traveled down by those who earn this type of degree include the following:
– Cost estimators
– Sales manager
– Retail associate
– Community service manager
The coursework involved in the program usually focuses on the following topics:
– College algebra
– Accounting
– Economics
– Communication
– Leadership
– Banking
– General management
Bachelor’s Business Degree
If a person is looking to earn a higher-level degree in business, the quickest way to earn one is by taking part in a bachelor’s business program. This type of program usually takes about four years to complete; however, some schools enable students to complete the curriculum in as little as 36 months. By obtaining a bachelor’s degree, a person will notice enhanced career opportunities, including those that are accompanied with high-paying salary levels. Common career paths chosen by people who earn this type of degree include:
– Financial planner
– Accountant
– Contract manager
– Department manager
– Benefits specialist
Topics covered during a bachelor’s program tend to include:
– Business information systems
– Advanced algebra
– Advanced accounting
– Economic principles
– Statistics
– Research methods and strategies
– Advanced leadership skills
– Conflict resolution
Master’s Business Program
For those desiring to earn a graduate level degree in business, the fastest route to take is pursuing a master’s degree. Much of the coursework involved in a master’s program focuses on research. Most graduate level programs will mandate that students take part in dissertations before being allowed to graduate. In addition, students have to take part in internships. Some master’s programs will mandate that a student first obtain a bachelor’s degree in business or a related subject before enrolling; however, not all schools are like this. On the other hand, if a student wants to earn a doctoral degree in business, a master’s will be required.
With a master’s in business, a person is likely to land a job in any of the following professions:
– Credit analyst
– Executive recruiter
– Corporate communications supervisor