What Marketing Jobs Are Available With An Associate’s Degree?

Marketing DegreeFinding marketing jobs available with an associate’s degree is actually getting easier, thanks to an explosion of digital marketing positions, social media management programs, search engine optimization specialists, and more traditional marketing roles, in today’s businesses. Those with a two-year degree in this field will find plenty of open positions that take advantage of their unique skill set and allow them the flexibility to drive results, interact with clients, and learn the ropes when it comes to managing campaigns, groups of clients, or the marketing responsibilities of a sole organization. Consider the positions below as the best places to start on the “ground floor” in the growing marketing industry across the country.

Digital Marketing Assistants

One of the most popular positions for those who graduate with an Associate’s degree in marketing is that of a digital marketing assistant. When they take on this role, professionals will help seasoned digital marketers in the development of new campaigns, search engine strategies, viral content creation, and social media targeting. They’ll learn the fundamentals of keyword development and content marketing as well, and they’ll typically be the main point of contact between the marketing firm and the client whose business is being boosted by these efforts. Over time, digital marketing assistants might be promoted into senior-level positions or managerial roles within the firm.

Social Media or SEO Strategists

Digital marketing is a rather comprehensive term, but it’s an umbrella term that contains SEO specialists and social media strategists. These professionals are far more narrow in their overall focus, and their goal is to make sure that a company appears on Google’s first page or in Facebook’s news feed when relevant. To that end, they’ll spend their time looking over analytics data, performing A/B tests of marketing approaches, and deciding which terms, polices, and content configurations work best for the client’s immediate and long-term marketing goals. They may eventually advance into campaign oversight roles or digital marketing management positions after they develop experience helping clients meet their needs.

Public Relations Assistant

A company’s relationship with the public is its most effective marketing strategy, without a doubt. Without a positive reception by consumers, even the best marketing materials, Facebook strategies, and search engine optimization behaviors wouldn’t be able to gain the company an increase in revenue or service satisfaction. Assistants in this segment deal heavily with clients, assessing their needs and making sure that PR managers know how to craft appropriate press releases for any kind of event. Whether it’s good or bad news, first-run products or damaging recalls, the public relations assistant is the first line of defense a crucial member of the marketing team.

Marketing Researcher

Some marketing grads are actually quite happy to conduct market research throughout the day, and their services help to build demographic profiles and new campaigns for existing clients. Marketing researchers utilize news stories, viral social media campaigns, tech developments and more, to create a cohesive bran strategy aligned with current consumer wants, needs, and aspirations.

Related Resource: Advertising Degree Jobs

Great Employment Opportunities Await Today’s Marketing Grads

The marketing industry is expanding rapidly amid digital developments that make the field central to long-term business success. As a result, the large list of marketing jobs available with an associate’s degree, according to author Karen Schweitzer focuses heavily on digital services, public relations, and research, all of which will guide a company toward more clicks, sales, and record-setting revenue reports.