For countless years I was taught to learn the right answer and then regurgitate it on a test. I learned pretty quickly in life that if I crammed before a test I could memorize a good bit of information and store it in my tiny little head with just enough time to spit it out…

Fascinating thought: You might not need a big brand school to be successful in entrepreneurship. Believe it? According to Malcom Gladwell’s David and Goliah, although there are serious advantages to being in a top-rate school or institution, it doesn’t guaranteed success. The advantages are also the disadvantages. The fact that schools are so selective and…

My generation… … holy moly, I never thought I’d be old enough to write those words. Let’s pause a moment to reflect on that before I begin again. Deep breath.  …most of my generation recalls what life before the Sept. 11 and how life changed dramatically and subsequently, though admittedly some of us were a…

A teacher once called me a “scholar, just because she loves learning for the sake of learning.” But really, I’m just intensely curious. Certain topics resonate with me-I love learning about leadership on the web, going to Chamber of Commerce functions like Professional Development Fridays, and Excellence Exchanges where CEOs share their struggles and their…

If you want to go to b school or become an entrepreneur, you need to know one critical detail. It’s going to take capital. However, if you think about it, raising capital for education or business is the exact same idea, you just have slightly different methods of arriving at the same conclusion. It doesn’t…

Do you have to go to Harvard, Stanford or the Wharton School to learn business or is there a more cost effective way to succeed? The answer isn’t as simple as “either” “or” because there are compelling arguments on both sides. It comes down to “The Genius of And” a term coined by Jim Collins,…

By Jasmine Grimm, founder, Ruby, Inc. How would you like to go to one of eight schools like Syracuse, Texas A&M, Cornell, UCLA, Florida State, Purdue, University of Connecticut or LSU for free? You can if you’re a veteran or family member. Thanks to the Entrepreneurial Bootcamp for Veterans with Disabilities Program founded at the…

Image Source With recession gripping large parts of the world, companies and individuals face bankruptcy on a daily basis. However, this doesn’t mean it’s the end: a number of famous entrepreneurs, world-renowned for their acumen, have actually overcome bankruptcy. All of the entrepreneurs on this list refused to throw in the towel and concede defeat. And…